Stash Learn

Password Help

Questions about logging in? We’ve got your answers right here.


Forgot your password?

Can’t remember your password? Click here to reset it.


Need to change your password?

In the app:

  1. Login to the Stash app. 
  2. Tap your initials (iOS) or hamburger icon (Android) in the upper-left corner. 
  3. Tap Email, phone, and security
  4. Tap Change password
  5. Enter your current password and your new password, then tap Change password


On the web: 

  1. Login to the Stash website. 
  2. Click your name in the upper-right corner. 
  3. Click Email, phone, and security
  4. Scroll down to the Change password section, enter your old password and your new password, then click Change password


Still having trouble logging in?


  • If you receive an “Invalid email or password” pop up, double check that you’re using the email address registered to your Stash account, and that there are no typos in your email address and password.
  • You may be asked to use two-factor authentication when you log in. This is an additional security feature Stash uses to keep you and your data safe. 
  • You may be on the new user sign up screen, rather than the log in screen. The login screen has “Welcome Back” above where you enter your email address and password. This is different from the new user sign-up screen, which also asks for an email address and password.


Still need some help logging in? Please give us a call at 800-205-5164 from 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. ET Monday-Friday, or email us at


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