Q. What are some important dates to keep in mind when investing in dividend-paying stocks or ETFs?
When it comes to getting the benefits of dividends, there are a few dates to keep in mind. Dividends are paid on the payment date. This is set by the board of directors and, ultimately, the shareholders. This is the date the dividend checks or electronic payments are sent to eligible investors.…
Q. How do I set up automatic dividend reinvestment?
We’ve got some good news—for Retirement and Custodial accounts, we’ll automatically reinvest your dividends. This is also known as DRIP. We’re unable to disable automatic dividend reinvestment for Retirement and Custodial accounts at this time. Dividends may take up to 3-4 business days to be reinvested.…
Q. Investing Glossary
| A | B | C | D | E | F | H | L | M | P | R | S | U | # | A ADR fee ADR stands for American Depository Receipt. An ADR fee is charged on foreign stock investments.…
Q. Everything you Need to Know about Dividends
A dividend is a payment to a shareholder when a company shares its profits. The amount of dividends you receive will be proportional to the amount of stock you own in that company. Dividends are usually paid in cash (not additional stock),…
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