Tips & Guidance
Q. Where can I submit feedback or a request for a feature or investment for Stash?
We love hearing from you, especially if you’ve got some feedback about your experience with Stash. If you have any feedback or suggestions, including suggestions about what stocks or ETFs to add to our platform, email us at We look forward to hearing all of your ideas!…
Q. What is an ADR fee?
U.S. investors can invest in foreign stocks through something called an American Depositary Receipt, or ADR. These securities are issued by a U.S. bank that specializes in trading and represents shares of the foreign stock. They trade on a U.S. exchange like a regular stock. …
Q. What are Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)?
Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) occur when companies expand, combine, or break apart in order to improve their core business. There are two parties in an M&A deal: Acquirer: Company purchasing another company Acquiree: The company being purchased/acquired. Generally speaking, the acquiree’s stock will no longer be traded,…
Q. Freeriding: Definition, Examples and Penalties
What’s freeriding? Freeriding happens when someone buys a security with unsettled funds in the account and subsequently sells the security before fully paying for it. Please note that securities freeriding is a violation of the Federal Reserve Board’s Regulation T. Freeriding example 1: Alan has $0 cash available to trade.…
Q. Investing Glossary
| A | B | C | D | E | F | H | L | M | P | R | S | U | # | A ADR fee ADR stands for American Depository Receipt. An ADR fee is charged on foreign stock investments.…
Q. IRA Close or Withdrawal State IRA Withholding Requirements
Traditional IRA required state withholdings. If you’re requesting to make a partial withdrawal from your Traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA), or to close it completely, you’ll need to fill out a withdrawal form before the account can be closed. On this form,…
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